Updated: 30 June 2024
characters which follow, except a-zA-Z0-9_
, have special meaning.
characters which follow have their literal meaning and must be preceded by \
to activate their special meaning.
Freelance software engineer United Kingdom
Updated: 30 June 2024
characters which follow, except a-zA-Z0-9_
, have special meaning.
characters which follow have their literal meaning and must be preceded by \
to activate their special meaning.
Updated: 10 May 2024
-- Jump to the definition of the word under your cursor.
-- This is where a variable was first declared, or where a function is defined, etc.
-- To jump back, press .
map('gd', require('telescope.builtin').lsp_definitions, '[G]oto [D]efinition')
-- Find references for the word under your cursor.
map('gr', require('telescope.builtin').lsp_references, '[G]oto [R]eferences')
-- Jump to the implementation of the word under your cursor.
-- Useful when your language has ways of declaring types without an actual implementation.
map('gI', require('telescope.builtin').lsp_implementations, '[G]oto [I]mplementation')
-- Jump to the type of the word under your cursor.
-- Useful when you're not sure what type a variable is and you want to see
-- the definition of its *type*, not where it was *defined*.
map('D', require('telescope.builtin').lsp_type_definitions, 'Type [D]efinition')
-- Fuzzy find all the symbols in your current document.
-- Symbols are things like variables, functions, types, etc.
map('ds', require('telescope.builtin').lsp_document_symbols, '[D]ocument [S]ymbols')
-- Fuzzy find all the symbols in your current workspace.
-- Similar to document symbols, except searches over your entire project.
map('ws', require('telescope.builtin').lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols, '[W]orkspace [S]ymbols')
-- Rename the variable under your cursor.
-- Most Language Servers support renaming across files, etc.
map('rn', vim.lsp.buf.rename, '[R]e[n]ame')
-- Execute a code action, usually your cursor needs to be on top of an error
-- or a suggestion from your LSP for this to activate.
map('ca', vim.lsp.buf.code_action, '[C]ode [A]ction')
-- Opens a popup that displays documentation about the word under your cursor
-- See `:help K` for why this keymap.
map('K', vim.lsp.buf.hover, 'Hover Documentation')
-- WARN: This is not Goto Definition, this is Goto Declaration.
-- For example, in C this would take you to the header.
map('gD', vim.lsp.buf.declaration, '[G]oto [D]eclaration')
Updated: 25 March 2024
Flash yanked text
autocmd("TextYankPost", {
pattern = "*",
desc = "Highlight text on yank.",
callback = function ()
vim.highlight.on_yank { higroup = "Search", timeout = 150 }
Updated: 15 February 2024
Mappings | Action | |
<C-q> | Send all items not filtered to quickfixlist |
Updated: 07 November 2023
All supported commands https://github.com/JetBrains/ideavim/blob/master/src/main/java/com/maddyhome/idea/vim/package-info.java
Updated: 09 November 2023
Insert mode, indent current line forward, backwards ctrl-t
, ctrl-d
Updated: 23 March 2024
View default key mappings
:help nvim-tree-mappings-default
a |
Create a new file. |
d |
Delete file. |
<C-r> |
Rename: Omit Filename |
e |
Rename: Basename |
r |
Rename |
W |
Collapse all |
E |
Expand all |
R |
Refresh |
BS |
Close a directory, whilst inside of it. |
I |
Toggle git ignored files. |
H |
Toggle dot files. |
Updated: 20 October 2023
Start vim with the -d
vim -d feedback-form-a.xml feedback-form-b.xml
Move forwards and backwards through each difference with ]c
and [c
Updated: 08 April 2024
Some popular themes with a light variant.
GitHub stars Feb 24 | Repository |
4.8K | https://github.com/folke/tokyonight.nvim |
3.3K | https://github.com/rebelot/kanagawa.nvim |
4.3K | https://github.com/catppuccin/nvim |
582 | https://github.com/Mofiqul/vscode.nvim |
1.9K | https://github.com/projekt0n/github-nvim-theme |
Resolution of Error while reading ShaDa file: there is an item at position …
Find all ShaDa related directories and files
find ~ -iname '*shada*'
Example list of folders returned by the find
command above
Delete all shada files in these directories.
rm -rf ~/.local/state/lvim/shada
rm -rf ~/.local/state/nvim/shada
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim/shada
rm -rf ~/.cache/lvim
Delete all swap files
rm -rf ~/.local/state/nvim/swap/*
Mimics a fresh install of Nvim
nvim --clean