Updated: 30 December 2024
Check if you’re running vim or neovim
:echo has('nvim')
To copy/paste with PRIMARY clipboard (i.e. copy on select)
"*y ("*yy) and then "*p
To copy/paste with CLIPBOARD clipboard (i.e. Ctrl c/v)
"+y ("+yy) and then "+p
Yank full line without new line character
Line numbers
:set number
:set nonumber
Line wrap
:set wrap
:set nowrap
Open all files in current directory
nvim *
Unload buffer [N] (default: current buffer) and delete it from the buffer list.
:bd[elete][!] [N]
Open all buffers in horizontal or vertical windows
:[vertical] ball
Open all buffers in tabs
:tab ball
Repeat last command mode command
Open file/link under cursor
Browse recent files
:browse oldfiles
Format a json file with jq command line JSON processor
:%!jq .
Apply a command to all open windows
:windo set list
Join lines with no space character
Print current file name with full path (any number would work)
Go to 1st search result
Execute the command and insert its standard output below the cursor
:r! pwd