Updated: 01 April 2024

WampServer is a Windows web development environment. It allows you to create web applications with Apache2, PHP and a MySQL database. Alongside, PhpMyAdmin allows you to manage easily your databases.

Run PHP from the command prompt, where php8.2.13 is one of the PHP versions installed by WAMP

C:\>C:\wamp64\bin\php\php8.2.13\php --version

Run the Symfony framework console, where php8.2.13 is one of the PHP versions installed by WAMP

C:\wamp64\www\symf-project>C:\wamp64\bin\php\php8.2.13\php bin/console

Add command button to document text

Updated: 23 October 2023

Add a traditional Command Button to the body text of a Word Document and run VBA code from that button:

  1. Go to Developer tab.
  2. Go to Controls area on Ribbon.
  3. From the drop down ‘Legacy Tools’ select ActiveX Controls and Command Button.
  4. Right click on the button and select Properties.
  5. Give the button an appropriate name.
  6. Give the button an appropriate caption.
  7. Right click on the button and select View Code – this is the entry point to your VBA.

Microsoft accounts

Updated: 08 October 2023

Work or School/University accounts.

Can be aliased to an email address or telephone number.
My Account portal for work or school accounts https://myaccount.microsoft.com/
Customer service telephone number, for business users, United Kingdom +44 (0)344 800 2400


When a company or school signs up for an Office 365 for Business subscription, Microsoft will create a new domain with this onmicrosoft.com domain for the company. For example, @contoso.onmicrosoft.com. The Office 365 admins of a company can create new user accounts with this @contoso.onmicrosoft.com domain and manage the data under this tenant.

Personal accounts.

Can be aliased to an email address or telephone number.
Login to a personal account http://outlook.live.com

Access SQL INSERT INTO statements

Updated: 21 October 2023

    foo VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL

Should fail because foo cannot be NULL

INSERT INTO tbl (bar) SELECT this FROM source;

Insert many rows

INSERT INTO tbl (bar, foo) SELECT what, ever FROM source;

Create a new table and add rows with a single statement

SELECT * INTO tbl_two FROM tbl;