Current projects

Updated: 14 July 2024

API Exchange Hub

  • Create API Resources from legacy database.
  • Develop user management and role-based access to API.

Location – Sweden.
Languages – PHP, Java.
Status – Pre-release.
Tools – Docker, Symfony, Selenium, API Platform, Kubernetes

Legacy ticket sales platform

  • Develop new features upon request.
  • Support the current hosting arrangements.

Location – Dublin, Ireland.
Languages – PHP, Java, SQL.
Status – In production.
Tools – Docker, Codeigniter, Selenium, , Kubernetes

Public Relations business CRM

  • New features upon client request.
  • Regression test implementation.
  • Legacy code displacement by Symfony framework.
  • Plesk hosting administration.

Location – North Carolina, USA.
Languages – PHP, C#, Javascript, SQL.
Status – In production.
Tools – Docker, PHPUnit, SpecFlow, Selenium.

Finance business CRM

  • Quote generation.
  • Loan management.
  • Legacy features retained via Strangler pattern.
  • Integration with public facing website via Advanced Message Queuing Protocol.

Location – Jersey, United Kingdom.
Languages – PHP, C#, Javascript, SQL.
Status – In production, frequent updates.
Tools – Nginx, Docker, Symfony, RabbitMQ, Selenium, Behat, SpecFlow, Jenkins.

Healthcare revenue recovery

  • Robotic process automation.
  • Microsoft Word Macro.
  • Microsoft Access Macro.

Location – Jersey, United Kingdom.
Languages – VBA, MS Access SQL, bash.
Status – In production.
Tools – Rubberduck for VBA testing.

eCommerce product feed integration

  • Implementation of WordPress All Import plugin.
  • WordPress Custom Post Type
  • Product feed refreshed robotically to schedule.

Location – Jersey, United Kingdom.
Languages – PHP, XML.
Status – In production.
Tools – WP All Import, Squizlabs PHP_CodeSniffer, Docker.

Video subtitles language translation

Create accurate subtitles from video audio and translate into any language. Index text for search-engine results. Upload subtitle files to private or public Video streaming services.

  • Create transcriptions of video audio in WebVTT (e.g. subtitles) file format.
  • Translate subtitles between any language supported by Google Translate.
  • Translates text longer than Google Translate character limit.
  • Ensures strict WebVTT file format is maintained during translation.
  • Indexing of subtitle text.
  • Full text search and results tools.
  • Automatic subtitle file upload to steaming platforms e.g. Vimeo and YouTube.

Location – Guernsey, United Kingdom.
Languages – PHP, Javascript.
Status – In production, frequent updates.
Tools – Symfony, Elasticsearch, Docker, Google Translate API, Jenkins.

WordPress membership plugin

  • Subscription based access control.
  • Member Signup, Upgrade, Pause and Cancel.
  • Payment Gateway integration.
  • Strong Card Authentication by 3DS2 for Payment Services Directive 2.
  • Robotic testing.

Location – Guernsey, United Kingdom.
Languages – PHP, Javascript, Python.
Status – In production, frequent updates.
Tools – Docker, PHPUnit, Selenium, Behat, Flask, Jenkins.

Image macro zoom & video player

  • Implementation of the Leaflet JS mapping library.
  • Macro zoom tool for very high resolution product images.
  • Bespoke minimal wrapper around the Video Media Player API.
  • Video players optimised for concurrent autoplay on same page.

Location – Guernsey, United Kingdom.
Languages – PHP, Java, Javascript.
Status – In production.
Tools – Leaflet JS, Docker, esLint, NodeJS.

Video viewing history

  • “Continue watching” feature integrated with Video player.
  • Database records of all media watched by users.
  • Merchant configurable display of viewing history, per user.

Location – Guernsey, United Kingdom.
Languages – PHP, Javascript, SQL.
Status – In production.
Tools – Docker, Selenium, Webpack, Mocha (JS testing), Jenkins.

Photography lighting comparison tool

  • Browser based utility for professional photographers

Location – Guernsey, United Kingdom.
Languages – PHP, Javascript.
Status – In production.
Tools – Jenkins, Behat, Selenium.