
Updated: 07 July 2024


GoAccess is an open source real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser.

Connect to your webserver via ssh and pipe the access log to goaccess running locally in Docker. Create a report in html format.

ssh user@example.com 'cat /var/log/apache2/the-domain.co.uk.conf/access.log' | \
docker run --rm -i -e LANG=$LANG allinurl/goaccess -a -o html --log-format COMBINED - > report.html

Connect to your webserver via ssh and pipe the access log to goaccess running locally. Create a report in html format.

ssh user@<ip address> 'cat /var/log/apache2/example.com-le-ssl.conf/access.log' | \
goaccess -a -o ~/report.html --log-format=COMBINED --html-report-title="example.com logs" -

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