Updated: 08 December 2024
Create a new .NET project based on the console template.
dotnet new console --name our_project
Build and test the Release version of a console application
dotnet run --configuration Release
Run the tests in the project in the current directory
dotnet test
Clean up the output of the previous build. Both intermediate (obj) and final output (bin) folders are cleaned.
dotnet clean
Restores the dependencies and tools for a project i.e. external libraries in NuGet packages. All dependencies become available in a local cache and can be used by the .NET CLI to build and run the application.
dotnet restore
List installed Software Developer Kits
dotnet --list-sdks
List installed runtimes
dotnet --list-runtimes
Build a project and its dependencies using Release configuration
dotnet build --configuration Release
Build the project and its dependencies into a set of binaries. The binaries include the project’s code in Intermediate Language (IL) files with a .dll extension.
dotnet build
Publishes the application and its dependencies to a folder for deployment to a hosting system.
dotnet publish
Attempt to target Linux (not tested)
dotnet publish --configuration release --runtime linux-x64 --self-contained
Attempt to target Linux (not tested)
dotnet publish --runtime linux-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained false