AWS CloudShell

Updated: 15 October 2024

List all s3 buckets

aws s3 ls

List all files in a s3 bucket

aws s3 ls s3://my_bucket_name --recursive

Find a file in a s3 bucket via grep

aws s3 ls s3://my_bucket_name --recursive | grep 'foobar\.txt'

Query for a file (foobar.txt) in a s3 bucket using fragment of filename

aws s3api list-objects --bucket my_bucket_name --query "Contents[?contains(Key, 'ooba')]"


Updated: 15 June 2024

How to create an EC2 instance from the AWS Console

Go to VPC console
Go to s3 buckets
Find all resources across all regions
Go to Tag editor, select ‘All Regions’, ‘All supported resource types’ then click ‘Search Resources’.

Root user
Account owner that performs tasks requiring unrestricted access.
IAM user
User within an account that performs daily tasks.

Install git on Amazon Linux AMI

sudo yum update
sudo yum install git
git --version
git config --global “Your Name”
git config --global “”