Updated: 13 September 2024

DNS Records

Type Purpose Note
CNAME Points subdomain to another website (not an IP). Will forward all requests and ignore other records.
ALIAS Points domain to another website (not an IP). Cannot already be an A or AAAA record on the bare domain @.
A Point domain to a static IPV4 address.

DNS Lookup

Cloudflare recommended 3rd party tools
Digital Ocean DNS Lookup


Query for information on all DNS records

dig your_domain_name.com ANY

Query for A records

dig your_domain_name.com A

host, nslookup and dig share similar functionality.

Use the host dns lookup utility to lookup nameserver records

host -t ns example.com


The ICANN registration data lookup tool gives you the ability to look up the current registration data for domain names


Return information about a domain name registration, including the name servers it is configured to work with

whois your_domain_name.com

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